Many ailments that we consider annoyances are taking the lives of our neighbors in the rest of the world.
(We’re gonna need your help.)
Our Mission
We exist to provide compassionate, competent, and Christ-centered medical care focused on underserved people in the developing world. We will accomplish this by establishing and maintaining healthcare facilities in these regions that are committed to health education and the treatment and prevention of disease. The Three Strands’ brand will be known throughout these regions as a standard of quality and compassion.

Compassion Motivated
Every staff member will be kind and caring to each and every person that sets foot onto the Three Strands’ campuses.

Every staff member in the Three Strands’ system will be qualified in his or her medical or dental specialty.

We believe that we must treat each and every person with respect and dignity. We will strive to treat the spiritual needs of every patient in the Three Strands’ system through prayer and sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Affordable Health Care
Regardless of ability to pay, each person is guaranteed that Three Strands’ staff will not turn anyone away because of a lack of financial resources.

The task is too great for Three Strands, and we remain committed to forging partnerships with like-minded people who have a heart to alleviate suffering. Three Strands will work in strong collaboration with our national colleagues.

Our primary focus is to create high-quality healthcare facilities that become a beacon of hope for suffering people in the developing world. We want a brand that can be recreated in other parts of the world.

To be a member of the Three Strands’ community means you will be a man or woman of integrity. The following synonyms summarize our definition of integrity: character, morality, and virtuousness.

The national and expatriate staff of Three Strands sees the high value in always being engaged with students to whom we can pass on our skills.
What does Three Strands do? We provide competent, compassionate, Christ-centered medical care. We focus on both the physical and spiritual needs for some of the most poverty-stricken people in the developing world.
We in the West have tremendous financial and medical capacity, and a little goes a very long way in the places we serve. We currently have thriving clinics in Haiti and the Central African Republic (CAR).