“We want to bring hope to people in desperate need”
-Mike & Myra Taylor, founders
Why is Three Strands involved in the Central African Republic?

Actually it’s quite simple
Ramping up our capacity
Like any developing nation…
. . .the Central African Republic is plagued with brutal statistics.
- Malaria takes a child’s life every 15 seconds.
- One out of every five children dies before their fifth birthday.
- It is not unusual for a woman to labor in childbirth unattended by any sort of medical personnel for days and then suffer for a lifetime with debilitating childbirth injuries.
- Average life expectancy is currently 48 years.
- Only half the population has access to clean water.
- There is one physician for every 10,000 people and four nurses for every 10,000.
- Malaria is holoendemic. Every person in the country contracts it at least once a year.
- In 2012, Doctors Without Borders declared the Central African Republic the second worst place on the planet for health care. They issued a report about the country called, “Central African Republic: A State of Silent Crisis” that outlines the magnitude of the health care crisis in this country of just over four million.
Making a lasting difference
While we have no illusions of solving all of these problems, we know we can continue to make a lasting difference by providing a model of health care that has worked in many other impoverished countries.
We will work through our established clinics to provide affordable care on a daily basis. In addition, we will bring volunteer medical teams to provide specialized care and surgeries that are otherwise unavailable.